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The Slovenian Language in Synchronic and Diachronic Development


The programme group of the ZRC SAZU Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language is the only lexicographic programme group in Slovenia and the only one that has systematically provided fundamental dictionaries and other descriptive works on Slovenian for over seven decades. In the next funding period, the main objectives of the programme group in the fields of lexicology, lexicography and normative linguistics of contemporary standard Slovenian, terminology, dialectology, etymology, onomastics and the history of Slovenian will be: the creation, maintenance and integration of linguistic databases, the dictionary presentation of contemporary Slovenian lexis, studies on language varieties and normative issues, studies related to linguistic and terminological counselling, continuous terminological work in various subject fields, the presentation of dialectological research in linguistic atlases and dictionaries, dialectological field research, etymological-onomastic explanations of the Slovenian lexis and the preparation of a digital etymological and onomastic collection, the dictionary presentation of the lexis of the 16th-century Slovenian literary language and the preparation of a digital collection of historical texts. In the next period, the group will further develop the Fran portal in terms of content and ensure the dissemination of scientific results to researchers and the general public, while also providing content for the Franček portal. It will establish a system for increasing synergy among different activities within the research programme, without interruption to its continuous production of fundamental works of Slovenian linguistics and ensuring their reliability in terms of normativity and content. It will conduct research on linguistic problems, which is required for the ongoing production of fundamental works, and foster optimal cooperation with the interested public in identifying current linguistic problems. Infrastructural activities within the Natural and Cultural Heritage programme at ZRC SAZU are an indispensable prerequisite for the majority of the foreseen lexicographic and other descriptive works. The priorities of the programme group follow the Resolution on the National Programme for Language Policy 2021–2025. The presented programme is designed to provide the most needed fundamental studies of Slovenian, both diachronic and synchronic and envisages the compilation of dictionaries that are currently most lacking in all fields of research on Slovenian.

Research Programme

modern dictionaries
terminological dictionaries
historical dictionaries
dialect dictionaries
etymological dictionaries
normative guide
lexical database
linguistic atlas
Historical linguistics
comparative linguistics

Research Fields
Jezikoslovje H350