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Peter Weiss, PhD
Research: participation in the preparation of the Slovene Linguistic Atlas and Slavic Linguistic Atlas

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Dr. Peter Weiss’ theoretical research and its practical applications focus on the Slovene (dialect) lexicography, especially on the speech of the lower Zadrečka and upper Savinja valleys. He also investigates orthographical and historical aspects of Slovene literary language. In the Dialectological Section, he is responsible for the digitisation of the Institute's own dialect materials. He participates in the preparation of the Slovene Linguistic Atlas (SLA) and the Slavic Linguistic Atlas (OLA / ОЛА). He designed the ZRCola input system.

In the Institute of Lexicography of Austrian Dialects and Names, Austrian Academy of Sciences (DINAMLEX) in Vienna, he has been participating in the establishment of an electronic database of Bavarian dialects in Austria (dbo @ ema).

Since 2009 he has been editing Jezikoslovni zapiski journal.

2009: Golden medal awarded by Nazarje Municipality for his contribution to the research and preservation of the dialect of the Zadrečka valley

J. Ž. V. Popovič – J. S. V. Popowitsch. Glossarium Vindicum: osnutek slovenskega slovarja iz druge polovice 18. stoletja – Entwurf eines slowenischen Wörterbuchs aus der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts, ed. Richard Reutner in collaboration with Peter Weiss. (Linguistica et philologica 19.) Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU, ZRC SAZU, 2007, 118 pp.

WEISS, Peter. Iz prvotnih ledinskih imen tvorjena hišna imena v spodnji Zadrečki dolini. Jezikoslovni zapiski 13 (2007), Nos. 1–2 = Merkujev zbornik, pp. 493–507.

WEISS, Peter. Uvod v (slovenski) narečni slovar. Jezikoslovni zapiski 9 (2003), No. 1, pp. 49–61.

WEISS, Peter. Šestdeset in šeststo petdeset šestdelnih šeststopenjskih petdejank. Jezikoslovni zapiski 5 (1999), pp. 169–177.

WEISS, Peter. Slovar govorov Zadrečke doline med Gornjim Gradom in Nazarjami: poskusni zvezek (A–H). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 1998, 268 pp.

WEISS, Peter. Zasnova novega odzadnjega slovarja slovenskega jezika. Jezikoslovni zapiski 9 (1991), No. 1, pp. 121–139.

Born: 6 March 1959 in Celje.

1983: graduated (BA Hons.) in Slovene language and literature from the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.

1984–1986: employed as a visiting lecturer of Slovene in the Karl-Marx-University in Leipzig, and in the Humboldt University of Berlin (the German Democratic Republic).

Since 1987: employed in the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, ZRC SAZU; since 1999 in the Dialectological Section.

1991: completed Masters Studies in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, with the thesis Govori Zadrečke doline med Gornjim Gradom in Nazarjami: glasoslovje, oblikoslovje in skladnja.

1995: completed PhD in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, with the thesis Teorija in praksa slovenskega narečnega slovaropisja: primer govorov Zadrečke doline med Gornjim Gradom in Nazarjami.

history of Slovene language