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Urška Vranjek Ošlak, PhD

Research Associate, Researcher in the project of compiling ePravopis

+386 1 470 62 27

Novi trg 4 (4th floor)

Researcher's IDs
38270 (ARRS)

Urška Vranjek Ošlak is a researcher at the Orthographic Section of the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language. Her research focuses mainly on orthography, word-formation, and language consulting. She participates in the making of the new orthographic dictionary ePravopis and is a member of the Language Consulting’s Editorial Board.

Research Areas

  • lexicology and lexicography
  • orthography
  • word-formation
  • sociolinguistics
  • language consulting

Education, Academic and Scientific Titles

  • 2021: PhD degree – Slovene studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
  • 2014: MA degree – Slovene studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
  • 2011: BA degree – interlingual mediation, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
  • 2006: exit examination, Gimnazija Slovenj Gradec, Slovenj Gradec

Employments, Leadership Positions and Competences


  • 2015–: ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language

Work in Editorial Boards and Expert Commissions

  • 2016–: member of the Language Consulting’s Editorial Board

Outstanding Achievements, Awards and Grants

  • 2014, 2015, 2017: grant recipient, Friar Stanislav Škrabec Foundation
Friar Stanislav Škrabec Foundation grant (2014, 2015, 2017)

2022: Pravopis na zrnu graha: razprave pravopisnih vprašanjih, Tina Lengar Verovnik, Urška Vranjek Ošlak (editors)

2020: Kje pa vas jezik žuli? Prva pomoč iz Jezikovne svetovalnice, Urška Vranjek Ošlak (co-authored)

2019: Prevzemanje imen iz madžarskega jezika, Urška Vranjek Ošlak

2018: Besedotvorna hibridnost kolesarskega izrazja, Urška Vranjek Ošlak

2017: Grafični evfemizmi v računalniško posredovani komunikaciji, Mija Michelizza, Urška Vranjek Ošlak

2016–: Pravopisne kategorije ePravopisa, Urška Vranjek Ošlak (co-authored)

2016–: ePravopis, Urška Vranjek Ošlak (co-authored)
