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- Department of Lexicology
Department of Lexicology
Head: Janoš Ježovnik
+386 1 470 61 71
Location: Novi Trg 4, first floor
Department Purpose and Activity
The department currently employs seventeen researchers that are engaged in lexicographic and research activities, particularly for contemporary Slovenian. Language content is prepared for professional and general users, while also devoting special attention to younger language users. Members are engaged in research on phonology, semantics, morphology, word formation, syntax, lexicology, phraseology, paremiology, genrefication, stylistics, etymology, normativity, sociolinguistics, and dialectology. Some members teach at the ZRC SAZU Graduate School, the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts, and the University of Nova Gorica’s Faculty of Humanities, and they also frequently appear as guest lecturers in Slovenia and abroad.
The following four growing dictionaries are being compiled within the department:
- eSSKJ – Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika (eSSKJ: Standard Slovenian Dictionary, 2016–),
- Šolski slovar slovenskega jezika (Slovenian School Dictionary, 2019–; editor-in-chief Špela Petric Žižić),
- Sprotni slovar slovenskega jezika (Contemporary Slovenian Dictionary, 2014–; editor-in-chief Domen Krvina), and
- Slovar pregovorov in sorodnih paremioloških izrazov (Dictionary of Proverbs and Related Paremiological Expressions, 2020–; Matej Meterc).
Members of the department are involved in creating, editing, and improving the Fran and Franček language portals. In addition to adding and editing language content, they are also responsible for educational activities, technical support, visualization of language data, and promotion of language content and linguistic research in general.
They are members of international associations (European Federation of National Institutions for Language (EFNIL), the Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages at the Council of Europe), various committees of the International Committee of Slavists, and the organizing committees of research conferences (the Obdobja symposia, International Dictionary Day, Skrabec Days, International Conference of the Commission on Slavic Word Formation at the International Committee of Slavists, EFNIL Conference, etc.).
The department is compiling the Lemma Database and developing ZRCola 2, and its members also compose the answers and serve on the editorial board for the Language Consulting Service, which operates under the auspices of the Department of Language Standardisation.
Within the department, some seminal works for Slovenian have been and are being created, including:
- General explanatory dictionaries: Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika (Standard Slovenian Dictionary, 1970–1991), Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika, 2., dopolnjena in prenovljena izdaja (Standard Slovenian Dictionary, Second, Expanded, and Partly Revised Edition, 2014), and Slovar novejšega besedja slovenskega jezika (Dictionary of New Slovenian Words, 2013, online: 2014),
- Sinonimni slovar slovenskega jezika (Slovenian Synonym Dictionary, 2016, online: 2018),
- Slovar slovenskih frazemov (Dictionary of Slovenian Phrasemes, 2011, online: 2015) by Janez Keber,
- Vezljivostni slovar slovenskih glagolov (Dictionary of Slovenian Verbal Valency, 2008, online: 2018), by Andreja Žele,
- Slovar neglagolske vezljivosti (Nonverbal Valency Dictionary, 2020–2023, by Andreja Žele).
Members of the department also perform editorial work for:
- the series Rastoči slovarji (Growing dictionaries)
- the journal Slovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies
- the journal Jezikoslovni zapiski (Linguistic Notes)
Current Projects
Members of the Department of Lexicology have been or are involved in the following programs and projects:
- The Slovenian Language in Synchronic and Diachronic Development (January 1st, 2022 – December 31st, 2027)
- Raziskava podredij v slovenski večstavni povedi (January 1st, 2025 – January 1st, 2027)
- Adaptive Natural Language Processing with Large Language Models (PoVeJMo) (September 1st, 2023 – June 30th, 2026)
- Slovenian word-prevalence: an online mega-study of word knowledge (October 1st, 2023 – September 30th, 2026)
- Second Comprehensive Language Policy Survey on the Needs of Language Users in Slovenia and Users of Slovenian in Neighboring Countries and Worldwide (October 1st, 2023 – March 31st, 2025)
Media Presence
Achievements by members of the department also appear in the media, where they frequently present their work:
- Gorica, Guriza, Görz, Gorizia, Gvrytsyh - različni odtenki goriške jezikovne stvarnosti, featuring Janoš Ježovnik and Matej Šekli on the television program S-Prehodi (2025)
- Besedomat: bi prepoznali izmišljene besede?, featuring Andrej Perdih on the radio program Kiks (2025)
- Uspešnica, imenovana Fran, featuring Nina Ledinek in Andrej Perdih on the radio program Jezikovni pogovori (2024)
- Prevaro je opazil "gluhonem" moški, featuring Boris Kern on the radio program Kiks (2024)
- Beseda leta je ujma, featuring Simona Klemenčič on the radio program Jezikovni pogovori (2024)
- Tone "se" drsa na bližnjem jezeru, featuring Andreja Žele on the radio program Kiks (2023)
- Nekateri medmeti so verjetno res preživeli iz predčloveških časov, featuring Marko Snoj on the radio program Podobe znanja (2023)
- Marko Snoj pasjim prijateljem posvetil knjižni spomenik, article on STA znanost (2023)
- To ne pije in ne drži vode, featuring Nataša Jakop on the radio program Kiks (2023)
- Sick Jezikanje za vse bracote, featuring Mija Michelizza on the radio progran Jezikanje (2023)
- Cringe je skremž, backpacker nahrbtnikar, featuring Janoš Ježovnika on the radio program Jezikanje (2023)
They help create the Beseda tedna (Word of the Week) column in the print and online editions of the newspaper Delo.