Research Associate, Researcher in the project Slovenian Linguistic Atlas (SLA), Researcher in the project Slavic Linguistic Atlas (OLA)
+386 1 4706 237
Novi trg 4 (4th floor)
Mojca Kumin Horvat is a researcher at the Dialectological Section of the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language. Her research focusses on Slovenian dialects, especially on gathering and analyzing of dialect data. She conducts research in the projects Slovenian linguistic atlas and in Slavic linguistic atlas. She is an author of Word-Formation Atlas of Slovenian Dialects. As a native speaker she also focuses on the Prekmurje dialect.
Research Areas
- dialectology
- geolinguistics
- word-formation in dialects
- Prekmurje dialect
- microtiponyms
Education, Academic and Scientific Titles
- 2016: BA degree in Polish language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- 2015–: research fellow, ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language
- 2012: PhD: Morfološka struktura in geolingvistična interpretacija rastlinskih poimenovanj v slovenskih narečjih (Morphological Structure and Geolinguistic Interpretation of Plant Names in Slovene Dialects), Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- 2010–2016: assistant professor of the Slovenian Language, University of Ljubljana
- 2007: BA degree in Slovenian Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- 2002: matura exam, Gimnazija Franca Miklošiča, Ljutomer
Employments, Leadership Positions and Competences
- 2007–: ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language
- 2010–2016: temporary employment, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- 2021–PhD co-supervision: Štefan Kardoš
- 2009: BA thesis supervision: Aleksandra Ivanšek
- 2013: BA thesis supervision: Tina Velikonja
Other Experience:
- 2024: leader of a scientific project Raziskovanje ogroženih narečij v slovenskem jezikovnem prostoru (Brest z okolico, Savudrija z okolico, Porabje, Nadiške in Terske doline) (1. oktober 2024 – 31. avgust 2027) (Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije, Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu)
- 2024 March–November: temporary co-Head of the Dialectological Section
- 2017: one-month research work at the Institute of Polish Language, Krakov, Polish Academy of Sciences
- one-month language school: Vroclav (2004), Krakov (2006), Lublin (2015)
Work in Editorial Boards and Expert Commissions
- 2024–: member of the Language Counselling, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, ZRC SAZU
- 2023: co-editor in co-author of Slovenski lingvistični atlas 3 – Kmetovanje (SLA 3.1 Atlas)
- 2019–: member of the Centre for Language Technologies Development (JetRCe ISJ FR)
- 2018–: member of the Commission for Pannonian Research Award at Pannonnian Fundation for Education
- 2018–: member of the Pannonnian Academic-Scientific Union (Pomurska akademsko-znanstvene unija)
Outstanding Achievements, Awards and Grants
- 2024: publication of the monograph Zemljepisna imena Slovenskega Porabja (co-author)
- 2024: publication of the map Ledinska imena Slovenskega Porabja (v soavtorstvu)
- 2018: publication of the monograph Besedotvorni atlas slovenskih narečij, Kulturne rastline (Word-Formation Atlas of Slovenian Dialects)
- 2017: guest lectures in Polish language at the Institute of Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences (FRAN – portal internetowy jako baza leksykograficzna)
- 2004/2005, 2008/2009, 2010/11: Friar Stanislav Škrabec Foundation grant
2024: Prekmursko narečje v govorih Radgonskega kota v Avstriji
2024: Zemljepisna imena Slovenskega Porabja (co-author)
2024: Ledinska imena Slovenskega Porabja (co-author)
2023: Slovenski lingvistični atlas 3 – Kmetovanje (co-author)
2022: Fonološki opis govora kraja Žetinci – Sicheldorf (SLA T414)
2022: Spoon, knife and fork across Slovenian dialects (co-author)
Research of endangered dialects in the Slovene language area (Radgonski kot, Gradiščanska, Hum na Sutli with surroundings, Dubravica with surroundings (October 1, 2021 - August 31, 2024)
Microtoponyms in the Rába Valley (target research project • October 1, 2021 - August 31, 2023)
Materialna kulturna dediščina v slovenskih narečjih: geolingvistična predstavitev (July 1, 2011 - December 31, 2015)
Slovenski jezik v sinhronem in diahronem razvoju (January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2008)
Spletni portal Franček, Jezikovna svetovalnica za učitelje slovenščine in Šolski slovar slovenskega jezika (July 19, 2017 - September 30, 2021)
i-SLA – Interactive Atlas of Slovenian Dialects (applied research project • September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2024)