Head of the Department of Terminology, Research Associate, Assistant Professor, Researcher in the Department of Terminology
+386 1 470 62 23
Novi trg 4 (3rd floor)
Mojca Žagar Karer (4 January 1981) is head of the Department of Terminology and a researcher at the Department of Terminology. Her research focuses on theoretical and applicative aspects of terminology. She is particularly interested in users of terminology, methodology of terminological work, terminology principles and the overlap between terminology and general lexis. She leads the work for the Terminological Dictionary of Criminal Investigation, Terminological Dictionary of Geoinformatics and Dictionary of Theatre Terminology (Second Edition). Together with her colleagues, she takes an active part in terminology consulting. She is also a member of the Commission on Orthography at SAZU and ZRC SAZU, a member of the editorial board of the Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language (eSSKJ; 2016–) and a member of the editorial board of portal Fran. She is a co-editor of the Terminologišče series and a member of the editorial board of Terminology Consulting Service. Since 2013 she is a member of Terminology commission under International Committee of Slavonic Scholars. Since 2018 she is a member of the Board of EAFT (European Association for Terminology).
Research Areas
- terminology and terminography
- lexicology and lexicography
- terminology consulting
- orthography
Education, Academic and Scientific Titles
- 2022–: assistant professor of linguistics, Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU
- 2013–: research fellow, ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language
- 2010: PhD thesis: Elektrotehniška terminologija med slovarjem in besedilom (Electrotechnical Terminology between a Dictionary and a Text), Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- 2004: BA degree in Slovenian Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- 1999: exit examination, II. gimnazija Maribor, Maribor
Employments, Leadership Positions and Competences
- 2004–: ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language
Leadership Positions
- 2023–: editor in chief of the Terminological Dictionary of Geoinformatics
- 2018–: editor in chief of the Terminological Dictionary of Criminal Investigation
- 2018–: editor in chief of the Dictionary of Theatre Terminology (Second Edition)
- 2016–2022: co-editor in chief of Terminological Dictionary of Stonemasonry (together with T. Fajfar)
- 2016–: member of the scientific council of Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language
- 2013–2021: co-editor in chief of of the Terminological Dictionary of Reinforced Concrete Structures (together with M. Trojar)
- 2012–: head of the Terminological section
- 2011–2018: co-editor in chief of the Dictionary of Legal Terminology (together with T. Fajfar, M. Jemec Tomazin and M. Humar)
- 2011–2014: editor of the Terminological Dictionary of Automatic Control, Systems and Robotics
- initiating new colleagues into terminological work: Mitja Trojar
- young researcher: Jera Sitar
Other Experience
- visits and guest lectures: Copenhagen (2006, 2019), Prague (2016), Belgrade (2016, 2018), San Sebastián (2018), Luxembourg (2019), Zagreb (2019), Dublin (2019), Vaasa (2020), Barcelona (2022), Brussels (2023)
Work in Editorial Boards and Expert Commissions
- 2023–: member of the Scientific Board of the Terminology Science & Research Journal
- 2023: president of the International Terminology Awards Jury
- 2018–: member of the Board of EAFT (European Association for Terminology)
- 2015–: co-editor of the Terminologišče series and a member of the editorial board of Terminological Consulting Service
- 2015–: member of the editorial board of the Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language (eSSKJ; 2016–)
- 2014–: member of the editorial board of the portal Fran
- 2013–: member of the Commission on Orthography at SAZU and ZRC SAZU
- 2013–: member of Terminology Commission of the International Committee of Slavonic Scholars
- 2006–2023: member of the Coordination Committee of the Historical Seminar of the ZRC SAZU and a member of the editorial board of the publication of the Historical Seminar
Outstanding Achievements, Awards and Grants
- 2024: co-author of the English edition of the Terminological Dictionary of Automatic Control, Systems and Robotics (published by Springer)
- 2022: co-editor in chief of the Terminological Dictionary of Stonemasonry
- 2021: co-editor in chief of the Terminological Dictionary of Reinforced Concrete Structures
- 2018: invited lecture Terminological dictionary and terminological counselling: Two sides of the same coin on the EAFT Terminology Summit in San Sebastián
- 2018: co-editor in chief of the Dictionary of Legal Terminology
- 2016: plenary lecture Terminološko svetovanje: izkušnje in perspektive (Terminological Counselling: Experiences and Perspectives) on international conference Slovenska terminologija danas in Beograd
- 2014, 2018: co-editor and co-author of the Terminological Dictionary of Automatic Control, Systems and Robotics
- 2011: monograph Terminologija med slovarjem in besedilom (Terminology between the Dictionary and the Text)
- 2007: co-author of the Dictionary of Theatre Terminology
2023: Ad hoc terminologija: analiza uporabe terminoloških načel v Terminološki svetovalnici na Terminologišču (co-author)
2023: Terminological problems of terminology users: Analysis of questions in terminological counselling service on the Terminologišče website (co-author)
2020: Slovenska terminološka spletišča in njihove zasnove (co-author)
2020: Sinonimija v terminologiji: Analiza normativnih odločitev v terminoloških slovarjih (co-author)
2019: Analiza kratic v terminoloških slovarjih (co-author)
2018: Upoštevanje terminoloških načel v terminografski praksi