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- Department of Terminology
Department of Terminology

Head: Mojca Žagar Karer
+386 1 470 62 23
Location: Novi Trg 4, third floor
Department Purpose and Activity
The department employs five researchers and one adjunct member. They are engaged in the compilation of terminological dictionaries, in which they always cooperate with experts in the individual subject fields. They are also involved in terminology consulting and terminology research. The language content created in the department is intended for specialized users, especially experts in various subject fields, as well as others that encounter terminology in their work. In their research, the members of the department focus on the methodology of terminological work, terminology users, terminological principles, normative issues, determinologization, and the development of terminology in Slovenian. Some members teach at the Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU, and they also frequently appear as guest lecturers in Slovenia and abroad.
The department is currently compiling ten terminological dictionaries, covering agronomy, physiotherapy, firefighting, theater (2nd ed.), criminal investigation, computer science, typhlopedagogy, animal science, meteorology and geoinformatics.
Since 2013, the members of the department have been editing the Terminologišče website, where they present their work (among other things, an annually updated list of articles and volumes on terminology by the department’s members is available), publish terminological dictionaries (which are also accessible via the Fran portal), and answer questions on the Terminology Consulting Service webpage.
Within the department, the following seminal works for Slovenian have been and are being created:
- Botanični terminološki slovar, 2. izd. (Botanical Terminological Dictionary, 2nd ed. online 2023)
- Kamnarski terminološki slovar (Terminological Dictionary of Stonemasonry, 2022; online 2022)
- Davčni terminološki slovar (Dictionary of Tax Terminology, 2022; online 2022)
- Terminološki slovar armiranobetonskih konstrukcij (Dictionary of Reinforced Concrete Construction Terminology, 2021, online 2021)
- Farmacevtski terminološki slovar, 2nd. ed. (Dictionary of Pharmaceutical Terminology, 2019; online 2019; 1st ed.: 2011; online 2013)
- Pravni terminološki slovar (Dictionary of Legal Terminology, 2018, online 2019)
- Terminološki slovar avtomatike, 2nd ed. (Dictionary of Automation Terminology, online 2018; 1st ed. 2014, online 2015)
- Urbanistični terminološki slovar (Dictionary of Urban Planning Terminology, 2015, online 2016)
- Terminološki slovar uporabne umetnosti – pohištvo, ure, orožje (Dictionary of Applied Art Terminology: Furniture, Clocks, and Weapons, online 2015)
- Tolkalni terminološki slovar (Dictionary of Percussion Terminology, 2015; online 2016)
- Slovenski smučarski slovar (Slovenian Skiing Dictionary, 2011, online 2013)
- Gledališki terminološki slovar (Dictionary of Theater Terminology, 2007, online 2011, 2013)
- Čebelarski terminološki slovar (Dictionary of Beekeeping Terminology, 2008, online 2009, 2013)
- Geološki terminološki slovar (Dictionary of Geological Terminology, 2006, online 2013)
- Gemološki terminološki slovar (Dictionary of Gemological Terminology, 2005, online 2013)
- Geografski terminološki slovar (Dictionary of Geographical Terminology, 2005, online 2013)
- Planinski terminološki slovar (Dictionary of Mountaineering Terminology, 2002, online 2013)
Current Projects
Members of the department have been or are involved in the following programs and projects:
- Multilingual dictionary of geoinformatics (September 1st – March 31st 2023)
- Slovenian in Synchronic and Diachronic Development (January 1st, 2015 – December 31st, 2027)
- Development of Slovenian in the Digital Environment: Language Resources and Technologies (May 4th, 2020 – August 31st, 2022)
- Integrating the Legal Expression of European Law into the Slovenian Legal System (January 1st, 2018 – December 31st, 2023)
- Second Comprehensive Language Policy Survey on the Needs of Language Users in Slovenia and Users of Slovenian in Neighboring Countries and Wordwide (October 1st – March 31st 2025)
Media Presence
Achievements by members of the department also appear in the media, where they frequently present their work:
- Slovenci spisali angleški slovar avtomatike in robotike pri Springerju (Slovenians wrote Springer English Dictionary of Automatic Control, Systems and Robotics), featuring M. Žagar Karer on the radio program Jezikovni pogovori on RTVSLO (2024)
- Sporazumevanje gasilcev (Communication of firefighters), featuring M. Jemec Tomazin on the radio program Jezikovni pogovori on RTVSLO (2024)
- Jasna misel se odraža v jasni terminologiji (Clear thinking is reflected in clear terminology), featuring M. Žagar Karer on the radio program Jezikanje on RTVSLO (2023)
- Vremenski pojavi naplavijo tudi nove termine (Wether phenomena also bring new terms), interview with M. Žagar Karer in the newspaper Delo (2023)
- Zakaj obstajajo davčna nebesa? (Do the tax heaven exist?), featuring M. Jemec Tomazin on the radio program Jezikovni pogovori on RTVSLO (2022)
- Ja, tudi beton lahko krvavi (Yes, Concrete Can Bleed Too), featuring M. Trojar and M. Žagar Karer on the radio program Jezikovni pogovori on RTVSLO (2021)
- Slovenska smučarska terminologija (Slovenian Skiing Terminology), featuring S. Atelšek on the radio program KiKs on RTVSLO (2021)
- Pomembno je, da se razumemo (It’s Important for Us to Understand Each Other), interview with M. Žagar Karer in the column Znanstvenica spreminja svet in the newspaper Delo (2021)
- Coaching, timbilding in zagonsko podjetje (‘Coaching’, ‘Teambuilding’, and ‘Startup Company’), featuring M. Žagar Karer on the radio program Jezikanje on RTVSLO (2019)
- Socialna mobilnost (Social Mobility), featuring M. Žagar Karer on the television program Na kratko on RTVSLO (2019)
- Takoj ko so začeli zakone zapisovati, se je vse zapletlo (As Soon as They Started Writing Down the Laws, Everything Got Complicated), interview with M. Jemec Tomazin in the magazine Gea (2019)
- Pravni terminološki slovar (Dictionary of Legal Terminology), featuring M. Jemec Tomazin on the television program Dobro jutro on RTVSLO (2018)
- Čebelarski jezik (Beekeeping Language), featuring M. Bokal, J. Gregori, and S. Atelšek on the radio program Jezikovni pogovori on RTVSLO (2015)
They help create the Beseda tedna (Word of the Week) column in the print and online editions of the newspaper Delo.