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Zvonka Praznik, BA

Researcher in the Lexicological section (external associate)

Zvonka Praznik’s research focus is lexicography. She is participating in the preparation of the Dictionary of Slovene Synonyms. Since 1974 she has worked on development of the Dictionary of the Slovenian language (as co-editor of vols. III, IV and V, and as advisor for chess terminology), the Encyclopaedia of Slovenia (produced a catalogue of personal proper names and proofread the first issue), the Slovene Lexicon (worked on lexicon adopted from foreign languages), and the Slovene Orthography (participated in the development of the concept SP, performed editorial work and revisions).

AHLIN, Martin, LAZAR, Branka, PRAZNIK, Zvonka, SNOJ, Jerica. Slovar sinonimov slovenskega jezika: splošna določila in opis zgradbe slovarskih sestavkov z vzorčno predstavitvijo. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC, 2003. 46 pp.

TOPORIŠIČ, Jože, AHLIN, Martin, BOKAL, Ljudmila, GLOŽANČEV, Alenka, KEBER, Janez, LAZAR, Branka, PRAZNIK, Zvonka, SNOJ, Jerica, VOJNOVIČ, Nastja, SUHADOLNIK, Stane, WEISS, Peter, NARTNIK, Vlado, TOPORIŠIČ, Jože (ed.), DULAR, Janez (ed.), HAJNŠEK-HOLZ, Milena (ed.), JAKOPIN, Franc (ed.), MODER, Janko (ed.). Slovenski pravopis. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2001. XV, 1805 pp.

Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika V. DZS, Ljubljana, 1991.

Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika IV. DZS, Ljubljana, 1985.

Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika III. DZS, Ljubljana, 1979.

1972: graduated (BA Hons.) from the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, and the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, in the field of French language and literature, Slovene language and literature, and Spanish language.

As a student, she attended language summer courses in Paris (1970) and Tours (1971). In 1972/1973 she was awarded a scholarship by the French Government for postgraduate study of general linguistics and comparative Romance linguistics in the University of Toulouse.

Since 1974: employed in the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, ZRC SAZU; since 2010 she has been working as an external associate on the project the Dictionary of Slovene Synonyms.


Research areas
