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Praslovanska dialektizacija v luči etimoloških raziskav. Ob stoti obletnici rojstva akademika Franceta Bezlaja (zbornik referatov z mednarodnega znanstvenega simpozija v Ljubljani, 16.–18. septembra 2010).

Edited by: Metka Furlan, Alenka Šivic-Dular
Year: 2012

The proceedings contain 25 papers from the international scientific symposium under the same title which took place in Ljubljana from the 16th to the 18th of September 2010 and was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the academician France Bezlaj. From the point of view of contents and methodology, the papers are relevant to reinforcement of the process of rendering etymology as a scientific discipline more objective, and within this process, to the development of diachronic semantics, which is also crucial to genetic identification of language material.

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27.00 €

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collective volume
jubilee collective volume
Proto-Slavic language
Slavic languages


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