Research Associate, Researcher in the project of compiling eSSKJ; Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language, 3rd Edition
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Andrej Perdih (30 October 1980) is a researcher at the Department of Lexicology. His research focusses on contemporary lexicology and lexicography of the Slovenian standard language. He also designs and maintains dictionary databases and coordinates the preparation of visualization and technical preparation of the dictionaries on the Fran dictionary portal. He participates in the making of the 3rd edition of the Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language (eSSKJ), and the Fran and Franček portals. He is the editor of the Rastoči slovarji series and is a member of the Centre for Language Technologies Development at the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language. He is a member of the Commission for Lexicology and Lexicography of the International Committee of Slavists.
Research Areas
- lexicography
- lexicology
- contemporary Slovenian standard language
- corpus linguistics
- language technologies
- semantics
Education, Academic and Scientific Titles
- 2017–: Research Fellow, ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language
- 2013: PhD: Tipologija slovanskih enojezičnih slovarjev (Typology of Slavic Monolingual Dictionaries), Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- 2007: BA degrees in Comparative Slavic Linguistics and Comparative Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Employments, Leadership Positions and Competences
- 2008–: ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language
Leadership Positions:
- 2023-: leader of the research project Slovenian word-prevalence: an online mega-study of word knowledge
- 2017–2021: coordinator for language technologies at the Portal Franček, Language counselling for teachers and School dictionary of Slovenian Language project
- 2016–: co-editor of eSSKJ – Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language
- 2016–: editor of the Rastoči slovarji series
- 2015–2016: head of the Department of Lexicology, ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language
- PhD co-supervision: Ines Škvorc
- young researcher: Miha Sušnik
Work in Editorial Boards and Expert Commissions
- 2018–: member of the Commission for Lexicology and Lexicography of the International Committee of Slavists
Outstanding Achievements, Awards and Grants
- 2024: Josef Dobrovský Fellowship, Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2010, 2009, 2005: Friar Stanislav Škrabec Foundation grant
- 2003: Prešeren Student Award of the University of Ljubljana for research work
eSSKJ: Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika 2016– (co-author)
2024: Semantic information on the Franček educational language portal for Slovenian (co-author)
2023: Korpus šolskih besedil slovenskega jezika : zasnova in gradnja (co-author)
2022: Enobesedne in večbesedne leksikalne enote v slovenščini : opredelitev meje za potrebe izdelave eSSKJ (co-author)
2022: Indikatorji pri homografih na portalu Franček
2022: Building an educational language portal using existing dictionary data (co-author)
2021: Priprava jezikovnih podatkov za pedagoški portal o slovenščini Franček (co-author)
2019: Multi-word lexical units in general monolingual explanatory dictionaries of Slavic languages (co-author)
2016: Splošni razlagalni slovarji slovanskih jezikov
2015: Novi slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika - predstavitev temeljnih konceptualnih izhodišč (co-author)
2015: Fran: the next generation Slovenian dictionary portal (co-author)
2014: Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika: SSKJ2 (co-author)
2012: Slovar novejšega besedja slovenskega jezika (co-author)